Estate Management Checklist: 4 Considerations
Most of us don’t like to think about our estate and legacy planning in general, much less the details. Ruminating about what happens after you pass on is just a little scary when you’re still going strong, especially when there are so many more urgent concerns facing you in the moment you’re currently living in right now.
What’s going to happen to my family after I’m gone? How will my children pay for school? These things rightfully cause us anxiety, but getting a handle on estate management shouldn’t be about the negative.
Estate management is about putting your mind at ease.
Knowing you have a solid plan in place for your finances and loved ones allows you to focus on these all-too-precious moments you have together right now, and the better organized you are today the less you’ll have to worry about tomorrow.
So let’s get down to business. Here are 4 estate management touch points to consider when you’re planning the brightest future for your family.
1. Consider Your Legacy Organization Options and Accessibility
This may seem obvious, but the last thing anyone would ever want is for their family to be unable to find the information they need to execute your wishes. Assets and information are often stored in many different places today, from safety deposit boxes to online servers, to bank accounts you might even forget you have.
Remember: once you’re gone nobody can ask you questions. You’ll want to ensure everything is as accessible, clear, and centralized as possible so your beneficiaries will have the easiest time possible carrying out your plan.
Fortunately, modern data storage makes it possible to collect and preserve more of our legacy than ever before, and The Postage is committed to keeping your critical information safe, secure, and accessible to your loved ones all in one place.
2. Take Stock of Assets
The next step is to make a list of assets that will need to be disbursed. Anything you don’t account for will be distributed according to state law, so you’ll want to be thorough.
Financial Assets
Most people have a savings and checking account, but those typically only add up to a fraction of your legacy. You’ll need to make a list of any financial products you have, like stocks, bonds, and CDs to name a few.
It’s important to get a complete picture of your finances for this process because it will allow you to make the best decisions about how to craft your legacy. For instance, if you want to give money to your children for a down payment on a future home, it may be better to contribute interest-bearing financial instruments rather than cash depending on market conditions. A certified financial planner can help you make the most effective choices.
Real Estate
Houses are where most people hold the majority of their wealth, so a clear plan for your real estate is essential for your estate. Management provisions for properties, a directive to sell, or simply bequeathing a house to a beneficiary are all things to consider when you’re crafting your legacy.
Digital Assets
It’s easy to forget about your digital legacy, even though it’s something most of us add to every day. The wealth of photographs, ideas, online accounts, and general information we accumulate can be an immensely meaningful part of a legacy, and it should be accounted for in your estate management plan.
Also, make sure you include a list of passwords, accounts login information, and online storage locations like social media. You might not care about your Instagram, but your family definitely will!
If you own a business you are planning to transfer to someone else, you will need to make provisions in your estate management plan for how that process will take place. This can be more complex than disbursing other assets because transferring businesses often involves additional account access and legal paperwork. Consult a legal expert for advice.
3. Writing a Will
Once you’ve taken stock of your assets and have considered how you would like them disbursed, it’s time to draft a will. It’s as simple as stating what you would like to be done with each of your assets!
Fortunately, it’s possible to compose your legal will online. The Postage is making it easy to create your will and print it out with easy, state-specific instructions for authentication so you can rest assured your legacy will be safe and secure for the future.
4. The Details: Living Will, Life Insurance, and Other Wishes
While not strictly part of your estate, living wills and life insurance are nonetheless important end-of-life considerations. Clearly stipulating who has power of attorney in the event you are incapacitated can save your loved ones a great deal of pain and stress should the moment arise. Also, taking out a life insurance policy is an excellent way of adding additional resources to your legacy to ensure your family is financially taken care of.
Finally, there are so many wishes we have and things we’d like to say to the people in our lives we often can’t find the time or the words to communicate. These little touches can mean the world to our spouses, friends, and children, and The Postage can help you include them in your online estate management plan.
Simplify Your Estate Management Plan with The Postage
Take the anxiety out of estate management planning with the ease and security offered by The Postage. We can help you with all of your estate needs, including online will creation, legacy planning, document and password consolidation, preservation of memories with our digital vault, and delivery of wishes and messages to the people you care about the most.
Visit The Postage to learn more about online estate management and storage.